Pick up our Radiant Romance Bouquet, a wonderful arrangement carefully crafted to express love and appreciation on any special occasion This stunning ensemble features a delicate mix of 10 roses, 2 carnations and 3 gypsophila shawls with around it, each The element has carefully chosen in order to evoke feelings of love and happiness In the center of the flowers are 10 petals symbolizing love and passion. These roses, with their velvety petals and rich colors ranging from deep reds to pale pinks, symbolize enduring and poignant love Each rose is carefully arranged to sleep its natural beauty has been reflected and it’s been a focal point of attraction and interest.
احصل على جوهر الرومانسية مع باقة الرومانسية المشعة، التي تتميز بترتيب مذهل مكون من 10 ورود و2 قرنفل و3 حبات جيبسو رقيقة. مثالية للتعبير عن الحب والإعجاب في أي مناسبة خاصة.
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