Step into a world of comfort and beauty with our Lavender Bliss Bouquet, an exquisite arrangement that combines a lush blend of roses, baby roses, limonium stems and eucalyptus leaves. These exquisite sets are carefully arranged to provide a harmonious balance of colour, texture and fragrance, making them a lovely choice for any occasion At the heart of the bouquet are 8 roses, each chosen good for velvet flowers, gemstones and inviting colors , radiates beauty and grace. The rose is surrounded by 9 delicate baby roses, their tiny petals adding charm and innocence to the bouquet.
تتميز باقة لافندر بليس بمزيج ساحر من 8 ورود، 9 ورد صغير، 3 سيقان ليمونيوم، و4 أوراق أوكالبتوس، مما يخلق مزيجًا مبهجًا من الألوان والروائح.
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