The soft, picture-perfect red roses in this bouquet make a wonderful and especially thoughtful gift for the special girl in your lifestyle. Whether it’s your wife, mother, daughter, or sweetheart, pale pink roses bring an experience of gratitude and appreciation. The combination of pink rose and white wax makes the bouquet very elegant. The simplicity and gracefulness of these flowers, with a focus on pale pink colors, and full waxed white plants and nectarine and gift resistant perfection of your mood is the way a you think of a way to express appreciation for the exceptional woman for your life, no matter who the event might be. The red and white color scheme creates an emotional and visual association that these customers will surely appreciate.
الورد والشمع. الورود الوردية الناعمة المثالية للصور تقدم هدية جميلة للسيدة الجميلة في حياتك. زوجة أو أم أو ابنة أو حبيبة ، من المؤكد أنها ستعتز بها … تحتوي باقة الزهور هذه على شمع وردي وردي-10 أبيض-4
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