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Winfun Peekaboo Light-Up Bunny – Introducing the ultimate playtime friend for interactive fun and learning! This cute cat adores little humans and charms them with his playful peekaboo slides and bright lights. Simply press the bunny’s ear to activate the game, and watch with delight as the lights twinkle and glow as Peekaboo playfully covers his eyes. It offers cute and soft furnishings and cuddly cuddles to keep kids comfortable and happy. Perfect for stimulating sensory development and stimulating play, the Winfun Peekaboo Light-Up Bunny is designed to be your child’s favorite companion Enter the exciting world of Day Peekaboo with a fun toy and it is on this manifestation of interest.

280.00 ر.ق

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Winfun Peekaboo Light-Up Bunny – Introducing the ultimate playtime friend for interactive fun and learning! This cute cat adores little humans and charms them with his playful peekaboo slides and bright lights. Simply press the bunny’s ear to activate the game, and watch with delight as the lights twinkle and glow as Peekaboo playfully covers his eyes. It offers cute and soft furnishings and cuddly cuddles to keep kids comfortable and happy. Perfect for stimulating sensory development and stimulating play, the Winfun Peekaboo Light-Up Bunny is designed to be your child’s favorite companion Enter the exciting world of Day Peekaboo with a fun toy and it is on this manifestation of interest.

نقدم لكم الأرنب وينفان بيكابو المضيء – الرفيق المثالي للعب التفاعلي ومتعة التعلم! هذا الأرنب القطيفة الرائع يجذب الأطفال الصغار ويبهجهم بلعبة بيكابو المرحة وميزات الإضاءة الملونة. ما عليك سوى الضغط على قدم الأرنب لتنشيط اللعبة، ومشاهدته وهو يحرك أذنيه للعب لعبة البيكابو بينما تومض الأضواء وتتوهج. بفضل فراءها الناعم المحبوب والألحان اللطيفة، توفر الراحة والترفيه للأطفال الصغار. مثالي لتحفيز التطور الحسي وتعزيز اللعب الخيالي، من المؤكد أن الأرنب المضيء بيكابو من وينفان سيصبح صديقًا محبوبًا لطفلك. دع عالم بيكابو السحري ينبض بالحياة مع هذه اللعبة الساحرة والمثيرة للاهتمام!


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